Monday, 4 May 2015

ITS MAY | films & other fun stuff.

Well i didn't really keep my promise did i? writing blogs every so days.. congratulations meg you failed.

GOOD AFTERNOON FELLOW INTERNET FRIENDS. And welcome to MAY! well it seems like this has gone quickly, to think its coming close to exams now too, in college i feel like my life is just wasting away now, and its a constant repeat.

Today i'd like to take you on an adventure (pardon the pun), its officially the 4th of may whilst im writing this, {may the 4th be with you} on this amazing day i have failed to watch any star wars films, yesterday i watched episodes 1-3, but unfortunately forgot the DVDs to bring to my brothers house where im staying tonight, resulting in a supernatural night instead, not complaining.

Its getting there guys, not only is it the month of Star Wars it's also getting closer to summer, eventually well be there, FREEDOM I SAY!! well freedom for some, not for me, unfortunately another operation is ahead but thats for discussion later on!

May is also the month where its closer to new films coming out, among other things such as new games and exams (yay). Before i start i have already seen a bunch of new films including the new Avengers which personally i thought was amazing, although it was a bit jumpy in places and sometimes i couldnt keep up, i still enjoyed every single bit though as of course im a nerd when it comes to superhero films.

Here's a list of films coming up that im extremely excited about:

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Jurassic World (June 12)
Inside Out (June 19)
Paper Towns (June 19)
Pan (July 17)
Poltergeist (July 24)
Straight Outta Compton (August 14)
Legends (September 11)
Hunger Games: Part Two (November 20)
Star Wars Episode VII (December 18)
Deadpool (February 12)
Suicide Squad (August 5)
& Pereguins home for peculiars (2016 sometime)

And other ones that im not overly fussed with, im more concentrating on my TV shows at the moment as i have a list >> as you can see its very small, lmao dont worry i have enough time to get through them all, i dont do much with my life, and when i do it always involves one episode of my TV series' depending on which i fancy.

Not only is may the month where it gets closer to movies coming out its also the dreading moment of exams... now i only have 3 exams and HOPEFULLY finish early, if my crim teacher doesnt ask me to stay in, but i hope i do well, im not overly fussed about it to be honest but im ready for it. I hope it comes slowly though as my operation is coming up and that is something im not looking forward to, another more than likely 14 hour operation and a HELL load of recovery if decided upon a pace maker, when im on the table and nothing else has worked. See i still see the humor behind everything..

ANYWAY i hope you all have watched enough star wars to become a  jedi (or a sith depending on what floats your boat) and im going to hopefully finish them off tomorrow/wednesday and maybe start clone wars! Other than that nothing interesting going on.


MK x