Thursday, 22 June 2017

Movie Review // Power Rangers // Spoilers

Everyone has heard of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, right? You know, the 5 older looking teenagers with tight spandex suits, and over accentuating hand gestures whilst talking?

My childhood, in one TV show, and movie set. I only watched the main 3 seasons, which included the main characters, and the 3 movies of my childhood set. Lets take a trip down memory lane.

 Season 1. The original rangers, well including Tommy, who only turned ranger after the hectic Rita Repulsa issues he has to deal with, oh how it brings back many'a memory. Good old Jason; Tyrannosaurus, Kimberly; Pterodactyl, Zack; Mastodon, Trini; Sabretooth Tiger and our favourite, Billy; Triceratops. Waking up in the morning for school, with my 2 brothers, watching it on a tiny TV we used to have in the kitchen, eating breakfast before we were whisked away to our individual hell holes, in which we all hoped was Angel Grove, and we were chosen as one of the 5 'teenagers with attitude' that Alpha 5 chose to become Power Rangers, alas, we could only dream.

Season 2. This is from the still of the movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but its the different rangers from season 2, as changed because of unforeseen circumstances, the Black, Red and Yellow ranger had to change, introducing, Rocky, Aisha and Adam. In this season they changed to Ninja Zords, in which they lost the power of the original coins and gained new ones, new coins comes with new zords, abilities, meanings to their coins and names, such as Tommy, going from Dragonzord, to Tigerzord. Alike to above, it went as said Rocky; Ape, Kimberly; Crane, Adam; Frog, Aisha; Bear, and Billy; Wolf. That was one hell of a film aye? Ivan Ooze was the best villain. Rita got boring after a while, after that things changed dramatically, Kimberly went off and did her own thing with athletics, after new girl Kat was tricked by Rita to end Kim's life by stealing her Ninja coin. Kat then took over the Pink Ranger power, introducing the 2nd film i watched as a child... Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie:
Looking back, I'm glad i grew up with the TV shows and kids movies i did, and thankful for my brothers for not making me a girlie girl, always trying out wrestling moves, or playing with the copious amounts of Rangers toys we (still) have. Never had a morpher though, and to get all the coins and a morpher is over £100, but a girl can wish, it was a good way to grow up, anyone who watched the tragic TV show will understand.

Now, you may be sat there, unfortunately reading this blog, wondering why the hell I'm giving you the 3 year low down of the Mighty Morphin verse that many of us 90s babies grew up on, but here's the big one for you...


When the trailer first came out, me and my brothers were completely overwhelmed with different emotions, one side of our heads were going 'oh god they're remaking it' the other side was saying 'OH GOD THEY'RE REMAKING IT?!?!?'

You see?! this is the excitement i need as a nearly 21 year old, undergraduate.

The Review, kind of, i wont give too much away. 

Not only, is the storyline incredible, but it brings to light so many things we missed as kids watching the TV show, alot of things were added to make the story a bit more interesting, as I've said, the TV show was a bit... how do you say it... awful? But this storyline has brought my childhood back to life // spoilers ahead, if not seen the film.

It starts off, the suits that are in the above picture, in what looks like a post apocalyptic world, Green Ranger, Red Ranger currently on scene, Yellow Ranger slowly dying (its all quite emotional to begin with), then out of suit Bryan Cranston, who is the actor of Zordon, is identified as the Red Ranger!!!!!! (NEVER BEFORE HEARD INFORMATION ABOUT SAID RED RANGER), and the Green being Rita Repulsa (AGAIN NEVER BEFORE HEARD INFORMATION)!!!!!! i seriously lost my shit when it became clear that the Green Ranger was Rita, it made so much sense to the TV show.

The plot is, Rita is coming to Angel Grove, on search for gold to build Goldar (shock, he isnt a batfaced gold winged kiss ass), he is an actual Zord like villain in this film. There are no Rangers to protect Angel Grove, and the 5 who came across the coins? kind of coins not really just kind of gems in some kind of rock? have 11 days to get their shit together and morph, until it kicks off.

I like how these 5 teenagers with attitude, still, come together, how they find eachother; Billy, Kimberly and Jason (yes they kept the same names of the original characters, which HELLO BEST IDEA EVER), all met in detention, for different reasons, Kimberly knocked her ex-boyfriends tooth out, Jason stole a cow and put it in the boys locker room, and Billy, bless him, made his lunchbox accidentally explode. After a show of affection towards Billy, Jason and Billy have an immediate connection. Billy admits to Jason, that he is 'on the spectrum', which is why he's extremely smart, over thinks, uses big words, doesn't get sarcasm or jokes, and really makes my heart warm in relevance to the TV show, it makes sense why Billy is the smartest, and doesn't quite get the jokes.

Way further on, as I'm not going to explain every single piece of information, all Rangers find eachother, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Jason, and Billy. And begin to form a sudden friendship, and change individually once finding the gems, extreme strength, surviving a train/car crash, and once getting back together discovered the under water cave/ alien hanger/ zordons brand new crib, plus finding Alpha 5, and Zordon.

Throughout these discoveries, they also discover that they will not be able to morph if they do not work together and become one. Something happens (I AM NOT SPOILING THAT BIT), that brings all of the Rangers to work together, not just as strangers, bit more closely to friends, but more of a family, and manage to open the morphing grid (in which we discover that Zordon only wants these 5 teenagers to train hard, and morph so he can go through the grid and become a ranger again), opening the morphin grid causes some stuff.......... not spoiling....... and BOOM THEY MORPH, INTO BRAND NEW FLASH SHINY SUITS, WHICH I LOVE, I HATED THEM AT FIRST BUT I LOVE THEM.

Then the action kicks off! The most amazing part? is the animation of the Zords, the animation of the suits, the not over accentuating hand gestures because you can see them moving as they removed part of the mask, THE ZORDS AREN'T TOYS, THEY AREN'T FILMED AS TOYS, THEY ARE BROUGHT TO LIFE BY ANIMATION... the best part of this AMAZING part? is the original film shot, of the Zords all lined up on a dust field, running with eachother, and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme tune playing along with it. I. Was. In. Tears.

Seeing the Zords actually fight, like the dinosaurs they are, working together all as one, and even on there last line up giving their all, and as much firepower as possible towards this giant literal gold Goldar, before falling into a pit where the crystal Rita is after, it was at that point i thought it was over, i thought they can't leave it here they haven't even created the MegaZord yet! My inner child was screaming COME ON YOU CAN DO IT, without realising they only had 11 days to work together, morph then all of a sudden get shoved into a Zord they can barely control, they dont know how to morph into MegaZord! Alas, rising out of the pit, is the most wonderful MegaZord i have ever been more proud of to see. Kicking ass taking names, the Power Rangers way

...Although i enjoyed the film, they put Jason David Frank (original Tommy) and Amy Jo Johnson (original Kimberly), at the end of the film, filming the MegaZord on their phones, i don't know whether it's in relation to them being the old Rangers watching the new ones, or its just a quite quip to the old TV show and Movies, in reality i didn't think they were needed, but i liked how they were put into it to give childhood chills, also making most of us 90s babies feel old.

I can't believe, the production company brought my childhood to life, in many more ways than one, i was completely blown away by it all, i loved every single moment of it, and i will continue to watch it over and over. It is by far my favourite film so far this year, although i haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, so that could change things. I genuinely give this film a high 10/10.

I have left some bits out, in fact there is alot i missed out, parts of the storyline that is important, other tid bits, and that i didn't want to mention. In return, i give you the best advice i can, WATCH THIS FILM. seriously, whether you're a childhood Ranger or not, watch it. It's incredible.

Stay Rad

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