Sunday 17 August 2014

I need to discuss something | serious blog.

Actually there is a couple of things id like to discuss on this blog today, so be prepared for it to be a long one.

(guys these are my opinions so please dont give me shit, please dont start being twats, im allowed an opinion just like everyone else does.)

The first thing i want to discuss is the news about Robin Williams, not only was he my favorite actor but he gave the world such a hilarious opinion on things. What id like to talk about is how he died, and how alot of other celebrities are treated when they die the same way, i saw on twitter a couple of people posting 'why did he kill himself? he was rich and had the perfect life?' or 'its selfish for him to kill himself when there is worst people off'

Okay first thing, yes there is worst people off, but do you fully understand or know how someone lives? or what they feel during their lifetime? no you dont you only see whats on screen on their movies or stand ups or tv shows or even how the media portrays them to be, and even then they're putting faces on. Second thing is yeah it could be seen as selfish to be honest, but by the end of it its how they feel during their lives.

Suicide is a terrible thing, and there are statistics that show how many people actually die from it (mostly in America) but suicide never gets the attention it should do, unless a celebrity dies from it. This is the mad thing that people dont understand, the media underestimate the things that celebrities go through. as that other tweet said 'why did he kill himself he was rich?' So what if hes rich? hes still a human being! And even if he wasnt rich he would probably still go through the same thing, alot of celebrities get bad publicity from being a drug addict or alcoholic, and its bad publicity, the only thing newspapers and magazines care about is who can get more information, they dont care about how the celebrity feels or how theyre dealing with things.

Robin Williams supposedly took his own life from depression, and to be honest he was a very sad man, he did go through alot through the years of his acting and even before, im not saying i know everything about him, but its common sense to think that he was going through enough mentally to have the strength to take his own life from his family. The same as any other celebrity, in all seriousness i dont think its selfish, its brave, and it takes a strong person with a weak mind to be able to take their own life. And to be perfectly honest, i couldnt do it.

When someone suffers from severe depression, they try to get rid of their mental demons by dousing themselves in alcohol, or to try make themselves that high that they forget what they were even thinking of, and become addicted to drugs, like any person would. Instead of convincing yourself that you do have depression, you sit there and think of ways to get rid of those demons in an easier way.

There are alot of people out there who say they have depression, when really theyre just sad, and theyre attention seeking, and you can tell because if someone is diagnosed with that, they either dont tell anyone or tell their closest people, they dont post anything about their problems, because their problems are in their heads. Alot of people coming out of depression, feel the need to talk about it, as they are safe then to talk about it, and prove to people that they came out of it, they are the true people who have been diagnosed, not these people who say 'im going to kill myself because im depressed' and to be honest ive met ALOT of people who are like that.

I agree that depression is one of the circumstances of suicide, but it doesnt necessarily have to end that way, as i said before some people have come out of it, when others havent got the mental strength to. Its a serious problem in america, and anywhere else for that matter, but again the thing i want to moan about is the way the media portray it in celebrities, like its nothing, like its just another problem the celebrity has and that theyll come out of it because theyre rich or have good lives. When in reality, they are still human beings, and being rich and having constant publicity it may make their mental problems worse, which is usually what happens.

Celebrities are human beings just like us, they shouldnt get bad publicity or good publicity, they shouldnt even get publicity about their lives at all unless they want to be center of attention (such as the kardashians) but then some celebrities should just be left to their lives to live, however long they have left. Have some damn respect for other human beings no matter how high up on the food chain they are.


The other thing id like to discuss about is parents.

Parents are sometimes great, sometimes amazing and sometimes just dont understand the definition of family or having a child, everyone will say different about their own parents, i think personally my mum is amazing, shes been the best to us three and even more people including my friends. and she is alot of peoples rocks.

the thing i love about my mum is she cares more for everyone else than herself, and thats one thing that annoys me, because she deserves to be treated like a queen (any good mother does in my eyes) she deserves to have loads of presents, yet she says she doesnt need them because she has us. My mums been both a father and a mother to us, and i dont think ill ever appreciate her more than i do now. She has done the best for us, and has been there for me through thick and thin.

But then you get some parents who dont know the meaning of children, or family. Dont really care enough for you or dont know how to deal with you properly.

I love my family, i love everyone in it, and the irish family i have are the most important to me. Family means more than alot of things, than money, a house over our heads or anything and alot of parents dont understand that. Family means being together, and having a strong bond or relationships, and by the end of it family is the only thing you have left, so you need to worship it day in and day out just incase by any chance that you loose them all.

I worship my family everyday, i know i can definitely be a pain in the arse, alot more than people think. and i sometimes take for granted what i have or what we dont have, when really the most important thing is that we still have eachother.

I know alot of people who dont have parents, or only have one, or dont even have any, and they are the strongest people i have ever met, yeah at times it feels as though you have to grow up fast, and the arguments last too long and can get dirty, and it gets to a point where you just want to scream at both of them or even at yourself. It makes you feel like yourself or you and your other siblings have done wrong to be treated in such a way, and it isnt fair, but my grandma always had a saying itll get worse before it gets better, and it will get better. You have to be open minded to believe that things will get better, and it does take a while to feel like things are going to be okay, but by the end of it you always have some family left.

I know most of this may not make sense, but ive been thinking about both depression and my family alot recently, and ive needed to let it all out.

Things will get better, it always does..

Stay rad, MK xx

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